Upon arrival at Station 120, personnel were issued the all-important

Weston-Longville Chapel
The Weston-Longville Chapel is not far from station 120. A beautiful church. Inside the sanctuary at the front on the left side they have on display the 466th Honor Roll, listing all the men who were KIA on combat missions. from Attlebridge.

The A/C: 3251531 (no name) Crew Photo was taken in front of "Jenny"
CREW: Phillip Ross- P, John Korba- CP, Armond Pohle-N, Fred Bender- E, Lewis Lovell (R/O), Walter Gossling- G, Patrick Dillard-G, George Graboski- G, William Pieper-G.
I received this photo of the Phillip Ross Crew #589 who were lost over Holland on April 5, 1945. This was their 12th mission the cause is unknown. The original crew photo was sent by David Pohle of New Berlin. WI. He is the nephew of the Navigator, Armand Pohle. The photo does not appear in Attlebridge Arsenal. (B. Curtis)