Do you have 466th Bomb Group photos that you would like to share? You can scan them at 200 dpi or take a close-up digital photo of them and send them as JPEG images. Please try to identify aircraft, or faces in the photos if you can. You can send them by E-mail to: and copy to Archivist Chris Brassfield at

                                                               Lewis M. Bartok Crew # 428

Flew 30 combat missions betweenJune 5, and October 26, 1944. 

Crew Members: Lewis Bartok-P, Raymond Klass-N, Shepherd-B, Dennis-CP, 

John Ely-E, Arthur Crawford-NG, Albert Ragusa-BTG, Louis Leore-R/O, John Horshoff-TG, Francis Baker- TTG.

           While waiting for a delayed mission, the Dougherty Crew stayed with their airplane. A jeep drove up and a guy
            jumped out and snapped a picture (Above) The next morning the enlarged photo was posted with the caption 
                                   "Inappropriate Decorum while waiting for Mission orders!!!"